Friday, September 3, 2010

What do you think?


What do you think about this quote?  Does it inspire you? Do you agree with it? Does it frustrate you or make you upset? Comment on this quote with your opinion, and feel free to comment on others' comments as well!

After you have commented, complete the tutorial on photoshop as assigned.  You can find the tutorial at:


  1. I think that this quote is true. If you have no guidlines to follow, no beliefs, and you do not know yourself, then how can you improve, grow, and go throught he experiences in life? I believe that life is about growth. Growing spiritually, mentally, and becoming a better person.

  2. I definately agree with this. If you have no goals or values to motivate you to succeed, then what will?

  3. I both agree and disagree. i agree because everyone needs to know a little about what their values are to make it in life. I disagree besuase i dont know what my values are and i am still going somewhere.

  4. I agree with jade and rebecca. You have to know yourself and know what you want to achieve to become the best you can be

  5. The quote you posted speaks truth in many ways. (Is this your own quote, Ms. Mac?) If you are unsure who you are, how can you progress as a person? How can you better yourself if you are unsure what is there to begin with?

    Alex, values can be more than knowing your ethics and morals. If you wish to be a doctor, and health is important to you, that's one of your values. If you didn't value health, how would you become a doctor? If it wasn't important to you, why would you bother trying to heal people? The two go hand-in-hand. You really won't go anywhere but in circles unless the two are determined.

    It's interesting how a small sentence can be picked apart and make people really think.

  6. It's true because if you don't know who you are, how can you continue to search for what you want to be? You don't know who you are, I guess you'll have to find yourself in order to set a straight sure path to success.

  7. I believe that it’s true because if you don’t know your own self values then how can you know where to go in life and what goals you want to achieve in your future.

  8. I agree. You can't determine a direction for you life if you don't even know yourself. Once you learn what your values and beliefs are then you can begin to plan and advance in your life.

  9. I agree with this quote because to go anywhere in life you have to have a motive. Everyone's motive comes from who they are and what they aspire to be

  10. i agree with it cuz if you aint got any values then you really are lost and you dont know who u really are ... u can just be someone u think u are but in reality ur a totally different person

  11. I agree and disagree because you do need to know what you like and don't like to find a path for a career you will enjoy but in some cases a random oppertunity will find you.

  12. I agree with the quote because as many have said before me if you dont have a clue who you are or what your values are, you basically will get no where in life..

  13. i have to agree with this quote, i think that if you dont know yourself, you dont know where your life is going to take you.

  14. i agree because if you do know who you are then you wont know who you want to be and will have no direction for your life.

  15. I believe it's true for the most part because if you don't know what your values are then how do you make decisions? I partly disagree because I believe that there is no way someone cannot have any beliefs or at least a part of who they are. If you don't know who you are, then you have some serious problems. Just saying. I don't think I make any sense..but whatever. haaaaha.

  16. I agree with this quote because withoug your values in life you won't know what you want to do with it. Eventually you'll find yourself doing something that you hate when in reality it doesn't satisfy you. You need to find your values and happiness in your work and what you decide to do with your life. Becuase you'll find yourself doing something for the rest of your life that you do not enjoy or agree with.

  17. I agree because if you don't know what your values are, you have no idea what you can do as a person.

  18. i agree with this quote because some times you dont know what kind of person you are and you can just figure it out and see what your all about.

  19. Everyone has a purpose in life. most people dont know who they are or what they want to become by the age of three. In order to live life and enjoy it, u have to have direction. if you dont have a direction in life, your not gunna get verry far. so what im getting at is, yes. i do agree with this quote. its important to have values and standard to live by in life.

  20. I do agree with this quote. If you don't know who you are,or what you beleive in, how are you ever going to know what you want to do in life. If you don't know yourself, you're pretty much lost.

  21. Agreed :D Wow, I feel like an individual. But, I do agree. Having unsteady values can lead to being pulled in different directions & lead to being indecisive. If you don't know you, who REALLY does? If you wanna go somewhere, you gotta know what you're willing to do & what you'll stand against. You own you, don't let anyone else. Nobody leads your life but, you. Make it right.

  22. I agree because if you have nothing to work towards then you won't get anywhere.

  23. I agree with the quote, because if you dont know who you are you cannot determine a direction to go in your life.

  24. This is true, because if you do not know who you are than you do not know your interests and most choices in a person's life is based on their interests.

  25. I aggree with the quote, you should know who you are...

  26. i agree wit this quote, how can you know where u want to go in life if u dont even know who you are?

  27. i agree with this quote. if you have no values, what are you living for? you need some sort of value to grow as a person and show who you really are. If you dont know yourself, how do you expect anyone else to know?

  28. This quote is true without a doubt. People say they don't know who they are now, but if they really didnt know who they were at the moment why do people do the things we do. It is possible for someone to change the way they live and what they like to do as they grow older.

  29. I agree with this because if you dont have a value in life then what are you living for.

  30. I agree with this quote cuz if you dont know who you are you wont get anywhere in life. Its up to yo to know who you are and not anyone else to know. Everyone has to have some sort of value, that helps you grow as a person.

  31. I agree with this quote!! If you have no values than whats the point in trying because you wont be able to acomplish anything or even succeed as far as who you want to be. Know who you are will help you to follow your passions! If you dont know who you are who will?

  32. I agree with this quote, if you have no value of yourself you wont get anywhere in life, so you might as well jsut not even try.
