Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Create your own Movie Banner!

Similar to how you did the movie banner with masking, you are going to create a movie banner for your own made-up movie. Remember this must be school appropriate and include only topics or objects that would be considered school appropriate.

Think about movie ads you have seen previously. Think about font, colors, slogans, etc. when you are creating your banner.  Check the internet for examples:

Details about how to create your banner:

1. Use at least one masking technique per shape
2. Use at least 3 text effects - these could include fill, shape, direction, filters, etc.
3. Use a background color or gradient to fill in the background
4.  Include the name of the movie and at least the star actor
5.  Include a slogan for the movie

Due by the end of class on Thursday posted to your blog.

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