Tuesday, October 26, 2010

animated blog header!

Now that you are experts at fireworks, show off your skills by creating a custom blog header.  Set up your document with a 600 pixel width by 200 pixel height.

Now get creative!  Make sure it matches the color scheme of your blog template.  If you have reds and blues, don't use hot pink, etc.

You are strongly encouraged to use clipart, pictures of yourself, words, etc. 

Just remember that everything you want to stay the same in the video (ie the background) goes on one layer and gets share to the states. The remaining objects (the moving ones) go on a different layer and those are the ones you animate state by state by copying AFTER you have made changes on the layer.

Some sample ones I've seen before:

A ski slope that stays the same, but a skier skis across the screen.
A picture of a girls head on a stick figure body doing cartwheels across the screen.
A roller coaster
shooting stars behind someones name
Balloons floating to the top of the header then popping

These are just ideas.  I strongly encourage you to get creative!

We will be working on these headers Tuesday and Thursday in class.  Wednesday we will have a guest speaker.

Good luck and have fun you creative fireworks geniuses!

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