Thursday, October 21, 2010

Create Three more Weather Scenes by Monday 10/25

Great job in class today! On Thursday and Friday, your job is to create three more "action" weather scenes. At the bottom are some sample weather scenes you could create using fireworks. Remember these important steps:

  1. Set the canvas size to 300 by 200 and the canvas color to your preferred background color
  2. Create your shape you want to stay the same on all scenes and on that layer right click and share to states (it would probably be easier to add your text to this layer since we want it to appear in each state)
  3. Create/duplicate a layer and draw the shapes that will change
  4. Go to your States tab and click on the options button (top right)
  5. Add new states (at least 3)
  6. Click on state 1 and then on your layers tab
  7. Click on the layer that has your "changing shapes" (now they should all be selected)
  8. Copy these selections by pressing control c
  9. Click on the States tab and select state 2 and then paste (repeat for state 3 and 4)
  10. Now go back to state 2 and click on the layers tab
  11. Click on the "changing shapes" layer and using the subselection tool (the white arrow) make the changes to your shapes.
  12. Repeat this process in states 3 and 4
  13. Make sure in your optimize menu (very top right screen) that the top drop down says Animated GIF
  14. Go to File>Export and save as the weather scene type you created
  15. Post to your blog when finished with all four!

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