Monday, December 6, 2010

finish car animation

Step 7:  Animate your car using a motion tween
1.        Click on layer 1 can then choose frame 100 on the timeline.
2.       Press f5 on your keyboard
3.       Repeat this step for each layer (except the car clipart)
4.       Now right click on the car drawing layer and say create motion tween
5.       Repeat this step for the front tire and back tire layers
6.       Go to the car drawing layer at frame 5 and move your car a little bit
7.       Do the same thing for your front and back tire.  Remember to use the free transform tool to rotate the tires so it looks like they are moving

Step 8: using 3-d animation
1.        With the car and tires you will need to slowly start a 3-d animation to rotate and skew them to make them look like they are driving down the road and away.
2.       Click on the 3-d tool and click on your car in frame 5.  Rotate or skew it on multiple axis to make it look realistic.
3.       Repeat this process for steps the front and back tires


Friday, November 12, 2010

Ring ring !!!

Create 3 new ringtones for your cellphone using adobe soundbooth:

  • Click on the "File" tab and select "Open." Locate your desired MP3 or audio file and click "Open." Your music file will be imported into Soundbooth and will appear in waveform display on the workspace screen.

  • 3
    Choose a small section of the song to use for your ringtone. The ringtone clip should be approximately 20 to 30 seconds. If your chosen clip begins at the starting point of the song, click on your chosen ending point, drag your cursor to the end of song, and hit the "DEL" button on your keyboard. Your clip will remain in the waveform workspace and the unused portion of the song will be removed. If your chosen clip is located in the middle of the song, select and delete each unused song section before and after your clip.

  • 4
    Click the "Play" button to preview your new sound clip. If you need to continue editing your clip, repeat Step 3.

  • 5
    Fade In and Fade Out effects will create a smooth transition when your ringtone loops on your cell phone. Select a small area at the beginning of your sound clip, such as two seconds. You can use the timeline ruler as a guide. Right-click the highlighted section, select "Processes" and choose "Fade In." Select a small area at the end of your sound clip and right-click the highlighted area. When the context menu appears, select "Processes" and click on "Fade Out."

  • 6
    Click on the "File" tab and select "Save." The "MP3 Compression Options" menu will appear on the screen. Depending on your cell phone, you may be able to select a high compression rate. If you do not know your cell phone's audio capabilities, select a standard compression level of 128kb from the drop-down menu. Click the "Save" button to compress and save your new ringtone.

  • Wednesday, November 10, 2010

    Directions for saving your sound

    Once you have finished your one minute song on Soundbooth, go to file, save as.  On the bottom drop down change it to save as type: windows waveform.  Save this file to your C: drive.  Then e-mail this file as an attachment to

    Wednesday, November 3, 2010

    fever logos

    2011 Student Fever Design Contest

    1.) You will be designing both a t-shirt and a hat for the Tri-Cities Fever 2011 merchandising team store (our colors are Navy Blue and Vegas Gold).
    2.)  The winning design will be sold in the Fever Team Store during the 2011 season.
    3.) You can start the project Monday November 1st.
    4.) Deadline is November 19th by the end of school.
    5.)  Once you have completed your designs you will give them to your instructor. 
    6.)  The winning design will be featured during an on-field promotion.
    7.) The winner will receive two season tickets and also one complementary product they designed (t-shirt or hat). 
    8.)  The winning student’s school will also receive discounted $10 tickets for the Heatwave sections on a select game (tickets are normally $15).
    9.) Winner’s design and acknowledgement to winner and school will be given on our website.
    *Hint: Our demographic is 21-55 year olds

    Tuesday, November 2, 2010

    Create your own Movie Banner!

    Similar to how you did the movie banner with masking, you are going to create a movie banner for your own made-up movie. Remember this must be school appropriate and include only topics or objects that would be considered school appropriate.

    Think about movie ads you have seen previously. Think about font, colors, slogans, etc. when you are creating your banner.  Check the internet for examples:

    Details about how to create your banner:

    1. Use at least one masking technique per shape
    2. Use at least 3 text effects - these could include fill, shape, direction, filters, etc.
    3. Use a background color or gradient to fill in the background
    4.  Include the name of the movie and at least the star actor
    5.  Include a slogan for the movie

    Due by the end of class on Thursday posted to your blog.

    Monday, November 1, 2010

    Create a movie banner using masking tools in fireworks

    Use this link below to visit the website that has the video instructions for masking objects in fireworks. Remember that the files used for this assignment are in the multimedia drive under "My Computer".

    Tuesday, October 26, 2010

    animated blog header!

    Now that you are experts at fireworks, show off your skills by creating a custom blog header.  Set up your document with a 600 pixel width by 200 pixel height.

    Now get creative!  Make sure it matches the color scheme of your blog template.  If you have reds and blues, don't use hot pink, etc.

    You are strongly encouraged to use clipart, pictures of yourself, words, etc. 

    Just remember that everything you want to stay the same in the video (ie the background) goes on one layer and gets share to the states. The remaining objects (the moving ones) go on a different layer and those are the ones you animate state by state by copying AFTER you have made changes on the layer.

    Some sample ones I've seen before:

    A ski slope that stays the same, but a skier skis across the screen.
    A picture of a girls head on a stick figure body doing cartwheels across the screen.
    A roller coaster
    shooting stars behind someones name
    Balloons floating to the top of the header then popping

    These are just ideas.  I strongly encourage you to get creative!

    We will be working on these headers Tuesday and Thursday in class.  Wednesday we will have a guest speaker.

    Good luck and have fun you creative fireworks geniuses!

    Thursday, October 21, 2010

    Create Three more Weather Scenes by Monday 10/25

    Great job in class today! On Thursday and Friday, your job is to create three more "action" weather scenes. At the bottom are some sample weather scenes you could create using fireworks. Remember these important steps:

    1. Set the canvas size to 300 by 200 and the canvas color to your preferred background color
    2. Create your shape you want to stay the same on all scenes and on that layer right click and share to states (it would probably be easier to add your text to this layer since we want it to appear in each state)
    3. Create/duplicate a layer and draw the shapes that will change
    4. Go to your States tab and click on the options button (top right)
    5. Add new states (at least 3)
    6. Click on state 1 and then on your layers tab
    7. Click on the layer that has your "changing shapes" (now they should all be selected)
    8. Copy these selections by pressing control c
    9. Click on the States tab and select state 2 and then paste (repeat for state 3 and 4)
    10. Now go back to state 2 and click on the layers tab
    11. Click on the "changing shapes" layer and using the subselection tool (the white arrow) make the changes to your shapes.
    12. Repeat this process in states 3 and 4
    13. Make sure in your optimize menu (very top right screen) that the top drop down says Animated GIF
    14. Go to File>Export and save as the weather scene type you created
    15. Post to your blog when finished with all four!

    Monday, October 18, 2010


    A little more practice with using the masking and cutting tools in fireworks....

    In order to prove your skills in masking and cutting, you have an assignment to complete. The requirements are as follows:
    1. Take a photo of an object in the school. For example, a garbage can, the stairs, the soda machine, the hotspot.
    2. Import that photo into Fireworks or Photoshop (document size is 6 inches wide by 4 inches tall)
    3. Go to the internet and find a photo of a cartoon.
    4. Use your masking and cutting tools to put the cartoon character in the photo.
    5. use the text tools to put a headline on the photo.

    For the next photo:
    1. Take a photo of a person.
    2. Find a photo of a cartoon character and use your masking and cutting tools to pose them with a cartoon character.

    When you have finished these two assignments, post the JPEG to your blog. You have until the end of Class on Tuesday to complete your assignment.

    Wednesday, October 6, 2010

    Wednesday, September 29, 2010

    collage of objects!

    Come one, come all!  Any attempt is a good one!  Please don't be shy, and post your work!
    Take the posted photos and have fun with it!  Be as simple or creative as you want.  Use all of the photos, or just elements.  Blend them together and create something new!

    Titles and titles or words on the photo are ok. Here are some ideas to try to get you started:
    Add textures, fantasy, terror, mystery, tattoos, swirls, lights, extractions, backgrounds, scars, makeup, grunge.  Use your filters, your feathering, your rubber stamp, your lassos, or magic wands. 

    Here are the photos you can use:

    And here are a few examples of creations you can make with these photos (BUT DON'T MAKE THESE!)

    Tell me what you did

    Tell the classmates what you did for your custom blogger header.  Be specific on the tools you used, where you used them, how you made it look the way you did.  If you feel  like it you can explain why you chose the elements you chose.

    After you posted, visit the blog of 5 of your classmates and comment on their header.  What do you think? Ask them a question if there's something they did you don't know how to do.  Tell them what looks good, or suggestions you may have.

    Go back to your blog and look at your comments.  Comment on people's comments.  Utilize this commenting to to converse with your classmates APPROPRIATELY.  create a new post and tell me the five people's blogs you commented on.

    Monday, September 27, 2010

    Create a new custom blogger header

    With everything you've learned about photoshop to date, create a new blogger header.

    Open a new photoshop document
    Your width will be 700, heidth 160

    There are 7 components that must be present:
    1.  Utilize at least 2 layer styles (counts as 2)
    2.  Utilize at least 1 filter style
    3.  Use the masking tools to edit a portion of a picture to incorporate into the header
    4.  Add a gradient to an element in the header
    5.  Create Text that displays your blog title
    6.  Use the free transform tool to rotate or make a reflection

    Once you have completed your header, save it as a jpeg using the save for web & devices option.  The add it to the design tab on your blog.

    Sunday, September 26, 2010

    indiana jones lesson

    In the past week you have learned several strategies for creating text effects using adjustments, layer styles, and masking tools.  Today you are going to combine all of those tools to complete an Indiana Jones style photoshop document.  The directions are attached to this link.  One disclaimer - You shouldn't have to go through the process of downloading the font because 6th hour already downloaded it.  Also, when you get to the part with the map, it is difficult to find that exact photo for free, so you may have to choose a substitute photo. Good luck and have fun!

    Thursday, September 9, 2010

    Recoloring assignment

    Today in photoshop we will learn how to hand color a black and white photo.  To complete this assignment, you will need to save this photo to your username then open it in photoshop.

    We will be using tools like quickmask, renaming layers, layer adjustments, and color balance.

    Tuesday, September 7, 2010

    Save a few steps

    In your first 5 minutes of class, please choose the pictures below and save them to your user name - then open the family one up in a photoshop document.  Steps to complete this are as follow:

    1.  Right mouse-click on a picture
    2.  Choose save picture as
    3.  Make sure the directory goes to your username - photos
    4.  Save the photo with a name of your choice
    5.  Open the my computer icon (top left of your desktop)
    6.  Choose your drive - then open up photos
    7.  Right mouse-click on the photo you chose saved and choose open with...
    8.  Select photoshop from the list of programs.

    Friday, September 3, 2010

    What do you think?


    What do you think about this quote?  Does it inspire you? Do you agree with it? Does it frustrate you or make you upset? Comment on this quote with your opinion, and feel free to comment on others' comments as well!

    After you have commented, complete the tutorial on photoshop as assigned.  You can find the tutorial at:

    Thursday, September 2, 2010


    Today we will start with your first blog!  Sign into your blogger account and post a blog about your nickname.  Do you like it, what do you think it means?